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Schlafexperten in Ihrer Nähe

Finden Sie Ihre Schlafexperten ganz in Ihrer Nähe und vereinbaren Sie einen Termin für Ihre persönliche Schlafberatung.

Ihr optimales Schlafsystem

Finden Sie hier die für Sie passende Kombination bestehend aus Bettsystem, Matratze, Kissen und Auflage.

Schlafratgeber anfordern

Fordern Sie hier Ihren kostenfreien Schlaf-ratgeber unverbindlich an und erfahren Sie viel Wissenswertes zum Thema „Schlafen“.

Natural latex is a sticky and milky liquid, which comes from tropical rubber trees (Hevea Brasiliensis) and consists mainly of rubber particles and water. We only use natural latex from controlled plantations, according to stringent quality standards.

Latex foam consists of millions of microscopic cells, which allow a permanent airstream through their intercellular spaces due to a particularly open cell structure. This means that a mattress made of natural latex is permanently ventilated by the sleeper's movement. Thanks to its unsurpassed elasticity, natural latex adapts perfectly to the body's natural movement during sleep. Therefore, the spine always rests in a correct position and becomes perfectly relaxed. Equal pressure distribution improves blood circulation and prevents pain.

By baking latex foam without any synthetic glues or adhesives, it becomes a high-quality product. At the end of the manufacturing process, the natural latex mattresses are thoroughly washed and dried. High temperatures destroy potential allergenic proteins that could have arisen whilst baking or drying. Natural latex is a high-quality product, whose whole manufacturing process is strictly controlled to always conform to standard specifications. Tests at the „Morton Thiokol Research and Development Instititute" in Massachusetts showed that products made of natural latex are, on the one hand, resistant to mould growth and fungal infestation, and on the other hand, hypoallergenic. Furthermore, recently conducted studies of „Centexbel", the centre for textile research in Belgium, revealed that natural latex is also resistant to house dust mites.

QUL certificate for all natural latex products of RELAX

QUL-Zertifikat für alle RELAX Naturlatex-ProdukteFor a layperson, it is impossible to differentiate between natural latex and synthetic latex, which is a petroleum based product. Mattresses are frequently sold as natural latex mattresses, although there is only 2 % of natural latex in them. Moreover, high-quality latex is often mixed with chalk or limestone. However, there are indeed mattresses available which are made of nearly 100% natural latex.

In order to protect the term „natural latex", QUL (quality association for environmentally-agreeable latex mattresses e.V.) was founded in 1994, which developed the QUL quality seal.

QUL Certificate Mattresses

QUL Certificate Pillows

Since 1997, the QUL awards the quality seal or the certificate to natural latex products after careful and extensive laboratory analyses.

Thanks to this certification, it can be ensured that natural latex products are free from volatile organic compounds, health-damaging heavy metals, pesticides, pentachlorophenol and nitrosamines.

For more information about QUL see